Employment |
Software Dev Manager | Amazon Web Services (AWS) | December 2020–Present |
- Build AWS Accounts for all customers to create accounts and access other services.
CTO | DTI Management | November 2017–December 2020 |
- Restructure the dev team into small crews: growing by ten times for a $300MM/year enterprise.
- Implement agile dev processes: reducing the release interval from weeks to hours.
- Design architecture for cloud migration: achieving 0% downtime for sales processing.
CTO | 1Ticket.com | July 2017–December 2020 |
- Move to a serverless, microservice architecture on AWS: reducing infrastructure costs by 7.4 times.
- Reduce double sales across key marketplaces by five times: helping increase revenue by 4 times.
- Build an infinitely scalable backend: increasing throughput from 2k tickets/hour to 200k/hour.
Assistant Professor | University of the District of Columbia | August 2014–August 2018 |
- Taught cloud computing: principles, algorithms, and tech (EC2, S3, DynamoDB, Hadoop, EMR).
- Taught network security and cryptography: theory, implementation, and hacking with Python 3.
- Taught advanced web development: techniques and technologies (React, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL).
Senior R&D Engineer | Observable Networks | November 2012–July 2014 |
- Developed fast scalable data structures for big data analysis; reduced query time by 190 times.
- Automated server provisioning and deployment on Amazon EC2; reduced install time by 10 times.
Research Assistant | Washington University in St. Louis | August 2006–November 2012 |
- Designed a file distribution protocol that reduced distribution times on data centers by 41 times.
- Built a distributed application that reduced costly Internet traffic by 40 times.
Technical Intern | Intel Corporation | May 2008–August 2008 |
- Developed utilities and methods to analyze the I/O dependence of Intel x86-based Unix applications.
Education |
St. Louis, MO | Washington University in St. Louis | August 2006–December 2012 |
- Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, December 2012. GPA: 3.6
- M.S. in Computer Engineering, May 2009. GPA: 3.6
Wichita Falls, TX | Midwestern State University | August 2002–May 2005 |
- B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics (Double Major), May 2005. GPA: 3.9
Technical Experience |
Projects |
- Open-source (2019). Contributed to AWS SAM and AWS CloudFormation.
- Online News (2001–2016). Web applications for online news: CloudFront, API Gateway, Lambda.
- Bitmap Filters (2014). In-memory data structure to speed up query execution: compared to SQL, faster by 10–290 times. Python, SQLAlchemy, Celery, Amazon S3, RedShift, ElastiCache (Redis).
- Peer-to-peer Protocol (2010–2012). Data transfer protocol to saturate gigabit links in data center networks: faster than Twitter's alternative by 41 times. Python, C, EC2.
Additional Experience and Awards |
- Publications (2007–2013): Wrote and published ten research papers.
- Chancellor’s Fellow (2006–2011): Awarded a competitive five-year fellowship to complete Ph.D.
- Intel Goodie Drawer Award (2008): Honored for delivering timely and relevant analyses.
- President’s Medal of Excellence (2005): Won graduation medal for highest GPA in college.
See details in my curriculum vitae: https://shakirjames.com/cv.html